有機滙FULLY ORGANIC (General ver)
Hello, World!
Hello world,
NICE Fully Organic is an organic liquid nutrient for organic plantation needs and also suitable for all home plants, flowers, vegetables, fruit trees, all plants. NICE Fully Organic is formulated by using natural materials from the sea such as the fish protein amino acid, sea weed extracts, chitosan from shrimp and crab enabling you to fertile your plants without worrying about problem that may arise from harmful chemicals and this liquid nutrients can help to solve nutrient deficiency problems normally occurs in organic plantations as well as all types of home plants nutrients needs.
Dosage for general ver.
The amount of dressing depends on the diameter of the pot, but it may vary from plant to plant due to the condition of the plants. For general reference, pot diameter less than 3’’ consume 2 circles; plot diameter 3’’ to 6’’consume 3 circles; plot diameter 7’’ to 10’’ consume 4 circles; more than 10’’ consume 5 circles. Remember to shake well before use. Start dressing evenly on the soil at about 2/3 thedistance from the plant stem to the wall of the pot. Use 2-3 times a week.
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